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On the day before your medical checkup

  • You should avoid heavy drinking or overwork and we recommend you to relex and get enough sleep.
  • Please fill out the questionnaire in advance and bring it with you to the medical checkup.


  • Have a light meal before 7 pm
  • You should not eat anything after 9 pm. (Including water, gum, or cigarette)

Fecal sampling

  • Take a feces sample a day before the checkup if possible
  • For those who have reserved a colonoscopy, we will provide you with a separate guideline for details on dietary attention and intake method for the bowel cleansing agent.

On the day of checkup

  • Breakfast, cigarette, gum, etc. are all not allowed
  • When visiting, please bring questionnaire, fecal sampling container, and glasses or contact lenses with you
  • Urine test is also included in the checkup list so collect your sample after visiting the reception counter


  • Blood pressure medicine, anticonvulsant: Take a sip of water in the morning of the checkup day (around 6 am).
  • Diabetes medication (including insulin shots): insulin shots or any diabetes drugs should be discontinued from the start of fast.


  • Please do not carry valuables with you.
  • For those of childbearing potential, please verify your pregnancy status before the medical checkup.
  • We recommend woman patients to have the checkup during non-menstrual period; and those who received hysterectomy need a gynecologic examination to verify any abnormality of endopelvic organs
  • For a conscious sedation endoscope, a guardian should be accompanied and self-driving is not possible on the day.

Prohibited drug

  • The diabetes drugs of metformin type (e.g., Diabex, Janumet, Glupa, Trajenta-duo, Amaryl-M) should be discontinued for 48 hours after the checkup if a contrast medium is applied in any of the tests.
  • Antithrombotic drug, anticoagulants may lead to bleeding at endoscopic biopsy or polypectomy so those who take an anticoagulant must consult with his/her physician who prescribed the medication to check and follow whether to maintain or suspend its administration by a week before the checkup at latest and inform us on the day of checkup.
  • Diabex XR

    Diabex XR

  • Zanumet XR

    Zanumet XR

  • Trajenta-duoab


  • Trajenta-duo


  • Amaryl-M


Example of antithrombotic drug

  • Aspirin Protect Tab

    Aspirin Protect Tab

  • Astrix


  • Plavix


  • Pletaal Tab

    Pletaal Tab

Example of anticoagulant

  • Warfarin


  • Paradaxa


  • Xarelto


  • Eliquis


  • Lixiana
