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- 2023-현재 | 이대목동병원 혈액종양내과 임상조교수
- 2021-2023 | 한국보훈복지의료공단 중앙보훈병원 혈액종양내과 전문의
- 2020 | 이대서울병원 혈액종양내과 전임의
- 2019-2020 | 신촌세브란스병원 종양내과 임상강사
- 2015-2019 | 이대목동병원 내과 전공의
- 2014-2015 | 이대목동병원 인턴
- 2023 | 아시아종양학회(AOS) Travel Grant
- 2022 | 중앙보훈병원 친절직원 병원장상
- 2019 | 유럽종양내과학회(ESMO) Travel Grant
- 2015 | 이대목동병원 내과 우수/최우수 전공의
기타 학술 관련 경력
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- 대한항암요법연구회 정회원
- 대한암학회 정회원
- Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma initially diagnosed as adenocarcinoma of unknown primary with hepatoduodenal ligament lymph node metastases: A case report. Oncology Letters. 2024-01.
- Real-World Outcomes of Nivolumab, Pembrolizumab, and Atezolizumab Treatment Efficacy in Korean Veterans with Stage IV Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2023-08.
- New-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus as a delayed immune-related event after discontinuation of nivolumab: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022-09.
- β‑catenin blockers enhance the effect of CDK4/6 inhibitors on stemness and proliferation suppression in endocrine‑resistant breast cancer cells. Oncology Reports. 2022-07.
- Role of Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy in Clinical Stage II/III Rectal Cancer Patients Undergoing Total Mesorectal Excision: A Retrospective Propensity Score Analysis. Frontiers in Oncology. 2021-01.
- Palbociclib use with grade 3 neutropenia in hormone receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2020-08.
- Recurrent meningococcal meningitis with complement 6 (C6) deficiency: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020-05.